Students on UNC Asheville's Quad

WordPress at UNC Asheville

  • The site is up and running!


    The transfer is complete and we are with our new hosting site, CampusPress. Please check your website to be sure the transfer was completed….Continue Reading The site is up and running!

  • New hosting site delayed


    My apologies for the delay in our WordPress transition. The migration did not take place last week as anticipated. We are waiting for our current hosting company to schedule the migration. We will keep you posted. Meanwhile, you have access and can edit your WordPress multisites….Continue Reading New hosting site delayed

  • New WordPress Hosting Site


    Our current WordPress site will be migrated at the end of June 2024. To ease in this transition, any new site requests will be asked to use the CampusPress Flex theme, a highly customizable, accessibility-ready theme. Read more about the theme and how to customize it for your WordPress site at CampusPress Flex Theme Guide….Continue…

  • Course projects
  • Research projects
  • Internships
  • Service-learning projects
  • Student eportfolios
  • Faculty research
  • Faculty CVs
  • Department newsletters
  • Club and organization blogs